Welcome to VLO

VLO FESTIVAL 3 - Into Space!
14 + 15 January 2017 | 12:00 to 17:00 | Noordwal 117 Den Haag
Creative recycling festival for children from 5 to 12 years old

VLO is back!
After two successful editions with many happy visitors, VLO comes back with a third edition. This time the theme is: Into Space!

For two days the Noordwal 117 will be a place to discover, marvel, create, reuse and have fun together. Under the guidance of artists, reuse and other experts children can follow different workshops; creative cooking, a dance choreography, make a flying object or an astronaut helmet, operate a DIY spaceship control panel or make a trip to space! All the artworks will be exhibited in VLO's space. Also this time there will be a Toysexchangecorner where children can exchange their old toys and /or donate them to the The Hague ToyFair.

For more information, please visit: vlofestival.blogspot.com, facebook.com/vlofestival, or contact: vlofestival@gmail.com

The Vlo festival started in 2014 from an idea by the artists Hanna de Haan and Lucia Contreras, who organized the first edition at their own expense and in collaboration with a large group of artists and volunteers together. The idea behind Vlo was primarily to offer an accessible playground for creativity, where voluntary artists and professionals can come in contact with each other while allowing children ages 5 to 12 to see that you can make something beautiful with just a few means. The Vlo festival is also a place where children can meet and work together on a nice result: a weekend full of beautiful, vibrant, funny and poignant artworks or products. Artists Esther Tamboer (2015), Farah Rahman (2016) and Iraas Korver (2016) are now reinforcing the organization.
The purpose of Vlo in a row:
• Make children aware of the environment and all the things we throw away.
• Allow children to discover new ways to create by having them work with different art techniques and materials.
• Take children into the creative process of the artist / creator
• Bringing children and participants together to make a beautiful finished product
• Promote contact between artists from different disciplines and children so inspiration and new partnerships can develop.

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